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  • Writer's pictureAbdur Rahman Alamgir

Eid-ul-Fitr – Eid celebration after Ramadan

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What is the essence of EID (Eid-ul-Fitr), this must be the question of many people who are not familiar with the spirit? Just as every religion has a special way to enjoy and celebrate their happiness, Allah has given the Muslims, EID as an auspicious day to rejoice and celebrate.

Eid is the most auspicious occasion in the Islamic calendar. It is an occasion when the hearts of the people fasting are filtered and all impurities are removed from the soul. The negative thoughts that hang in the mind are purified and give hope for a better and prosperous future. What makes it more special is the fact that on this day, everyone exchanges congratulations by hugging and pronouncing “Eid Mubarak”. It is well said, if there are residues of strife or grudge in the hearts even after Ramadan, they slip away and disappear on Eid, if there is frowning on the faces, Eid brings joy to the souls and smiles to the faces. On this day, every person disassociates himself from conceit and ostentation so that he does not consider himself to be richer, wealthier, or better than others. No matter how much money he has, the rich must not believe that he is better than the poor because the criterion of superiority in Islam is to fear Allah.

Essence of EID

What a beautiful concept it is of Eid, that it enshrines a Muslim to be cooperative, compassionate, and friendly with his brothers. Eid is a day of joy and bliss according to religion, an expression of love and brotherhood. A happy and righteous society is one that uplifts the morals and brotherhood of Eid to the highest peak.

How beautiful it is for joy to be associated with Eid by striving to relieve the pain of an orphan and sympathy for the bereaved, and to search for those with needs, and whoever cannot afford money should help them with a kind word, a caring smile, a pure invitation from a sincere heart.

Ethics followed in EID

Sawai is prepared to celebrate the festival of EID
Special Sawai are made on EID

On the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, there is an ambience of happiness in the air. All Muslims in the morning after wearing new clothes gather at Eid Gah to offer prayer and embrace each other by giving Eid greetings. The words like Takbir (Praising Allah) and Tahmid, Tasbeeh, and Tahlil (the declaring of God to be far removed or free from every imperfection of impurity) are uttered on everyone’s tongue. By the command of Allah, after fasting for a month, the servants of Allah come to the place of Eid seeking His mercy and forgiveness. Every Muslim is overjoyed to see this soul-stirring scene, especially children. On this day, the door of the houses is opened to everyone, rich, poor, relatives, neighbours, as well as people who come home to offer Eid greetings. As a ritual special Sawai is prepared and shared which is enjoyed by everyone. Children also receive money as a token of happiness and blessing.

Philosophy of Eid


EID embraces the practice of monotheism by the devotees (i.e., the oneness of Allah), their submission and surrender to God, and their love for him. This reminds the basic principle of Islam i.e, nothing is beyond the worship of God. He is the one who will provide shelter to his children and guide them through difficult times. It is believed that He (Allah) is alone and has no partner in terms of worshipping, supplication, fearing, seeking hope and refuge, assistance, trust, slaughtering, vowing, or any other type of worship.

In Islam, the worshipper is called by the name of a `Slave'. He is so-called because apart from performing the act of worship such as fasting, praying, reciting the Quran, performing Hajj, and giving Sadaqah, he is constantly living his life on the righteous principles of Allah, Almighty.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Messenger of Allah said,

Allah’s Right upon His slaves is that they should worship Him Alone and associate nothing with Him, and His slaves’ right upon Him is that He should not punish who does not associate a thing with Him.
(Book: Sahih-Al-Bukhari: 2856)
“فإنَّ حَقَّ اللَّهِ على العِبادِ أنْ يَعْبُدُوهُ ولا يُشْرِكُوا به شيئًا، وحَقَّ العِبادِ على اللَّهِ أنْ لا يُعَذِّبَ مَن لا يُشْرِكُ به شيئًا”
(صحيح البخاري ٢٨٥٦)

Expression of servitude to Allah-

The fasting person who benefited from the training of fasting throughout the month is the one who is not so overwhelmed by the joy of Eid, that he forgets the duty of thanksgiving and recognition of the blessings and the one who restricts himself from releasing his wicked desires, deters himself from sins. The day of Eid is not ushering in the commencement of sin, rather it is a day to show joy and pleasure and to thank Allah Almighty for having successfully performed great and solemn worship.


The prime philosophy of Eid is to achieve intimacy, sympathy, and compassion between Muslims and to promote brotherhood.

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,

“The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and fellow-feeling are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever”.
(Sahih -Al- Bukhari : 6011)
قالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ: “تَرى المُؤْمِنِينَ فِي تَراحُمِهِمْ وتَوادِّهِمْ وتَعاطُفِهِمْ، كَمَثَلِ الجَسَدِ، إذا اشْتَكى عُضْوًا تَداعى لَهُ سائِرُ جَسَدِهِ بِالسَّهَرِ والحُمّى”
(صحيح البخاري: ٦٠١١)

Why Eid al-Fitr is celebrated?

As an obligatory duty of Islam, every Muslim has to perform fasting throughout the month of Ramadan. To appreciate this hard fasting, Allah Almighty has made Eid, the day of feast for them to rejoice. In retrospect way, people rejoice and thank God Almighty for this blessing.

It is completely wrong to suggest it means that people rejoice due to getting rid of fasting. But, rather they rejoice to thank Almighty from wrongdoing and Hellfire; the difference is that whoever thought of getting rid of fasting, he feels that fasting is a burden for him and that he is happy that he got rid of it, and as for those who intend to get rid of misdeed, he rejoices that he got rid of sins by it; because whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and seeking reward, Allah will forgive his previous minor sins, whoever performs night prayers of Ramadan in faith and seeking reward, Allah will forgive his sins, and whoever performs the Night of Decree in faith and seeking reward his previous sins will be forgiven. The one who rejoices on Eid Al Fitr, because he got rid of sins. And the heedless rejoices on Eid Al-Fitr because he got rid of fasting in which he finds trouble and hardship. This is the difference between the two kinds of joyful persons on Eid.

Eid Greetings-

There is no static way to greet on the day of EID. Most of the time it is seen Muslim greet each other by saying Taqballahu Minna Wa Mink which means May Allah accept your fasting and night prayers or reciting the term Eid Mubarak (Blessed Eid)

It is nowhere to mention it would be wrong to recite anything similar to Taqballahu Minna Wa Mink or Eid Mubarak on the day of Eid.
(Book- As-Sunan Al-Kubra: 3/319)
كان أصحابُ النبيِّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم إذا الْتَقَوْا يومَ العيدِ يقولُ بعضُهم لبعضٍ : تَقَبَّلَ اللهُ مِنَّا ومنك
(السنن الكبرى للبيهقي: ٣‏/٣١٩ وصححه الألباني في تمام المنة: ٣٥٤)


The month of Ramadan is a training month by which Muslims are commanded that you have to spend eleven months in the same way that you have spent the month of Ramadan. Islam wants to say that by enduring hunger and thirst in this month. That you can understand the hunger and thirst of others, Ramadan teaches that just as you open the door for the poor, the needy in this month, so also keep your door open for eleven months to help the poor, the same Just as you meet people with an open heart on Eid, so do you meet them with an open heart and with joy throughout the year.

Written By-

Abdur Rahman Alamgir


OWR's Arabic Team

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